Thursday, February 16, 2012

3D Printer Progress:

Today in class, the 3D printing group split up to work on separate tasks to optimize our time and move forward with the project as quickly as possibly. The Maker-bot is in it's final stages of wiring. Kelly, Sam, and Celia finished soldering all the necessary wires and it looks spiffy. It'll be up and running very soon and it will be great to see it print. Paige, Will, and I spent the class modifying a 2D plotter to prepare for the addition of a third axis and a new extruder nozzle making the plotter into a large 3D printer. We decided that taking the back panel off would allow us to turn the plotter on it's side for a great range of motion. This was no easy task as all the bolts and screws have rusted. Using many tool we did manage to remove the board and fully clean the dusty plotter frame. The two pictures show the circuitry of the x and y axis on the plotter and team mates Paige and Will holding the clean and modified frame.

- Post by Emma Rocco