Monday, January 27, 2014

Saturday Engineering Program

This January was a very busy month for the Educating Young Engineers group! Our most amazing accomplishment was filling up all ONE- HUNDRED slots for our premier Saturday Engineering Program! A major priority of the EYE group has been organizing all aspects for our Engineering Day. We have been working to plan out all of the modules that the participants will go through. We have decided on a Wind Tunnel, a Marshmallow Catapult, a Toothbrush Robot, and an Egg Crash Car module. The Saratoga Springs technology teachers have been working to gather all of the supplies necessary for their stations. The EYE group has been providing teacher support by building the bases for the Egg Crash Cars, printing posters, and shopping for supplies! We are excited and a little bit nervous for our first Saturday Engineering Day, but we have faith in our volunteers and participants that this day will ultimately be a success!