Friday, March 24, 2017

Working Web App!

4B has exciting news! The back-end coding group created a working web app that utilizes Fitbit OAuth2 authorization. This means we can access data from a Fitbit watch! The visual component of the Website is nearing completion, 4B voted on a company logo, and progress was made on the midyear presentation.

Monday, March 20, 2017

4B's Upcoming Presentation

4B spent the last week developing the web app and the website that will host the web app. Due to school closures the team only met once last week. 4B will have a presentation in the next two weeks to share their progress with either a member of the school administration or a member of the school board. The aesthetic component of the website is scheduled to be completed by the end of the next meeting. The web app group is also making progress, and scheduled another meeting with a local programmer to receive guidance.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

4B Update, 3-6-17 by Gavin Hicks

Today’s EDD class meeting took place on the 6th of February. In the beginning of the block, the class had a brief discussion regarding stickers and other fundraising opportunities. After the class broke into the groups and continued to work on individual tasks. The data group continued working the report regarding the number of deaths and cost of accidents. The design group decided on website cosmetics and possible logo designs. The coding group worked on converting the Fitbit API into ruby on rails, a coding language used to create the web page for the class. -Gavin Hicks

Sunday, March 5, 2017

4B update, 3-2-17

Class 4B met on Thursday March 2nd. The class split into several groups and worked for the entirety of the class. One group is coding the web app layout using Ruby on Rails. Another group is using Justinmind to create the visual component of the website. A third group is designing the overall page schematic of the website, making sure to maximize functionality and efficiency.