Thursday, May 23, 2013

Almost at the Finish Line

With our final presentation rapidly approaching, team PivoRest has been making modifications to our final powerpoint and studying all of the information so that we know it like the back of our hands.  At this point all that is left on the armrest is the final assembly and making sure everything is fit to our standards.  

More Revisions

Today we once again presented our final presentation and got feedback on the new sections we added. The rest of class was spent making the necessary modifications to the parts we got criticism on. 

Revising our Presentation

 We realized that our PowerPoint had too much information and that our presentation was too long. We then proceeded to cut out useless parts of the presentation and shorten it all together. As far as the website goes, we are now working on coding a small pop-up to appear every time a search yielded no results, telling the user that their search will go into consideration and a video will be made of it. Another thing that is finishing up is the cross-testing, which will be completed in a few days. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


We as Computer2torials are setting up and finalizing our presentation. There is definitely a lot more work to be done on the power point and a lot more practice to be done before we do actually present. Videos are still being added to the website along with more videos being cross checked.

One Step Closer

In the closing steps of our project, we are mostly working on the presentation piece of the project. We are refining and practicing presentation in front of the class. As for the final product, we are waiting for the machined parts to come in. Once we get these, we can construct our final product, and start taking it to test on patients.

Final Touches

As a group we have been working on not only the completion of our presentations for June 4th but the style and flow of them. For example, we have been collaborating with the other groups to make sure that we have similar order and content so that overall the presentation for the whole class will go smoothly. Also we have been trying to become as familiar as possible with our presentation so that we know it inside and out. Lastly, we want to be finished up by the end of the week so that we have enough time to perfect our presentation.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wrapping up

We are finalizing the website and adding all of our cross checked videos. People are starting to review videos for community service hours so we have to start cross checking those videos for posting. The final power point is coming along nicely. We had a hiccup this morning with the search function of our website but that seems to fixed now.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Prepping for the End

The time has come to wrap everything up into a nice little bundle. We need to display an entire years work into a simple presentation. We are making a culmination report that contains all of our monthly progress reports into a detailed description of all our work. For the more grand details we are making a PowerPoint to explain and showoff our project and the direction for the future.

What's Next?

Today during class Mr. Gallagher asked each group what they wanted to do after this year with the project we are working on. Our group wants to sell our idea, maybe get into a licensing agreement or something similar. We were originally thinking about patenting our idea but then we decided it might be better to go a different route. We are working on an email we wanted to send to a couple companies and see how things go from there. Also during class we worked on our last progress report going over everything including what we want to do in the future with our idea. While we are working on this we are also putting together our final presentation. We are trying to make our presentation as perfect as we possibly can and not miss key details. We are continuing to work on the presentation during class and getting feedback from everyone.

The Final Countdown

Team PivoRest has completed their final design! We sent the Inventor drawings off to be CNCed before our final presentation, this will make our armrest look more professional for the presentation and for any manufacturers we talk to. Since our group is still figuring out how we want to proceed with our armrest after the school year ends, we are now completing research on potential manufacturers who we can present our design and patent laws. Our group continued to edit the final presentation, we have now completed the design portion and are now working on the progression and next step portions of the PowerPoint.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Last Adjustments

Arm.bmpThe members of PivoRest are looking forward to finishing the final design and getting the product ready for the end of the year presentation.  We are in the process of getting our pieces for the final armrest cut out and assembled.  After the assembly, we will be testing our design and including the feedback we get into our presentation.  Today we worked diligently on our current presentation, tweaking a few components such as color contrast and organization.

Final Stitches

Today in class we finished up a couple of loose ends on the backpack. One of those loose ends was putting the bar onto the final designed backpack. Tom brought in the finished bar and then Eric and Connor sewed it onto the backpack. It was put on the backpack correctly and it now looks like the finished version that we have been waiting for. Also, Brian and Seth continued work on the presentation. We then all got back together and reviewed over the changes that have been made.

Volunteer Help

As we focus our attention on cross-checking to verify the effectiveness of our rubric and work on our final presentation, we are working on an efficient way for outside volunteers to submit data. A Google docs system was developed for this purpose, and using an excel spreadsheet template, we were prepared to create a separate document for each volunteer to record data in. However, we have been exploring what we can do with the website itself for that, and have created a short quiz page that can be used to submit a reviewed video. Once we figure out an effective way to organize such data, we expect this to be an easier method of compiling volunteer data.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Final Stretch

Today in class, we continued working on getting our PowerPoint together for our final presentation in early June. Our focus was on the progression of various components of our design, as seen by the pictures of our developing armrest. We also attained a new wheelchair that is more similar in size to a standard one, and have measured it so we know what size pipe we will need for the attachment method. We needed to make new Inventor drawings for our final design, in order to put them into our PowerPoint and just to have them on file. Those are nearly done and will be finished by the end of the week. We will begin testing on Thursday and continue to progress with our presentation as we are moving closer to finishing up our project!

Cross Checking

Now that we have reviewed a significant amount of videos without rubric we are beginning to cross check the reviewed videos. This entails reviewing videos already reviewed by another reviewer and comparing scores, doing this will allow us to assess the validity of our rubric. After an approved video has been cross checked and approved a second time we can add that video to our site. We have also began outsourcing video reviewing for community service hours. This will allow our group to cross check videos and still have other people be reviewing videos. We will also cross check all of the reviewed videos that were done for community service hours.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Help Spread the Word!

The World Health Organization deemed 2011-2020 the Decade of Action for Road Safety, and noted that road traffic injuries are one of the top three leading causes of death for ages 5-44 in developing countries. In 2004, road traffic injuries resulted in more than 1.27 million deaths, which is almost equal to the number of deaths caused by HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined.

Recently, Winnie, the Communications Lead for the NNHS InvenTeam, gave a speech at Natick High School concerning how we, the NNHS InvenTeam, are dealing with this issue. Please watch the video to get a sense of the urgency of this Decade of Action.

To create awareness, we would like this message to go viral. After you watch the video, please spread the word by forwarding this message to as many of your family, friends, and associates: 

Each time someone watches the video, we have a better chance of creating awareness around the world.

It's Alive

Today we set up how other students could review videos to receive community service hours. We told them to email us with their information and then we can get them all set up and ready to review videos with our rubric. Of course every approved video will be cross checked, but this will increase our video output. We are also working on a way for people to review videos through our website using google app engine. Our intent is that one day we will no longer have to review videos and the website can sort of fill itself with videos. 

Taking Inventory and Making Modifications

Today we represented our problem section of our final presentation. We got some good constructive feedback and used it to modify and improve our presentation. After that, we continued to archive all of our equipment and past pictures for our presentation, as well as check what we still had in the bins for materials and finished/ unfinished bags. We still need to finish two of them, but everything else is set as far as modification goes.