Friday, November 16, 2007

Happy Birthday AutoCAD!

On Thursday November, 15 AutoCAD celebrated its 25th anniversary. The Saratoga InvenTeam utilizes Autodesk Inventor(a similar product) to generate designs and prototypes for the PAFSI product. Such incredible technology has allowed for beautiful and complex 3D designs to be generated quickly and effectively. The result is increased individual productivity and possiblity for near unilimted achievements.

"What AutoCAD did, if you look at a snapshot of the past 25 years, was really to democratize computer-aided drafting,"-Mark Fritts senior manager Autodesk

Before AutoCAD's debut in 1982, computer aided drafting programs were confined to very large corporations and large universities while the smaller companies and individuals relied on the tried and true method of lead pencils and drafting boards, a long and labor intentsive process. Interestingly, the software's main selling point today is the same today as it was the year of its birth: productivity. Whether used to design the tooling and instrumentation on Boeing airplanes or the aquatic O stage for Cirque du Soleil, AutoCAD continues to help designers and engineers complete complicated projects faster and with far fewer people.

"It puts all this power into your hands. One designer can do what it took two or three to do before." - Andy Logan, a principal designer at Frog Design

-Peter Snyder