Thursday, May 2, 2013

Help Spread the Word!

The World Health Organization deemed 2011-2020 the Decade of Action for Road Safety, and noted that road traffic injuries are one of the top three leading causes of death for ages 5-44 in developing countries. In 2004, road traffic injuries resulted in more than 1.27 million deaths, which is almost equal to the number of deaths caused by HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined.

Recently, Winnie, the Communications Lead for the NNHS InvenTeam, gave a speech at Natick High School concerning how we, the NNHS InvenTeam, are dealing with this issue. Please watch the video to get a sense of the urgency of this Decade of Action.

To create awareness, we would like this message to go viral. After you watch the video, please spread the word by forwarding this message to as many of your family, friends, and associates: 

Each time someone watches the video, we have a better chance of creating awareness around the world.