Friday, September 27, 2013

A 3D World in the Making

Today, our project was set in stone. For the 2013-2014 school year, the whole class will be pursuing a DLP 3D Printer project.  Using open source code and the idea of the already created Formlabs 3D printer, we feel that with our time and resources we can create something even more accessible and user friendly. How we do this is yet to be determined, but with 19 brilliant and dedicated minds working on this, there is sure to be success.
We have been divided into four different groups within this project: Build/Design, Software, Electronics, and Marketing. Many people in the class have some crossover as to what group they want to be in, so we will move people as resources dictate. Having these sub groups will help to keep everyone busy at all times; however, that shouldn't be too hard though given our task Each team is currently brainstorming and looking into ideas for them to consider during their initial planning and design phase. No one wants to jump into this pool of resin head first!