Sunday, December 18, 2016

Presenting Research

Class 4B last met on Friday, December 16th. Class time was dedicated to presenting research and discussing the newfound information. The class learned that current trends suggest an increase in commercial vehicle accidents. In response, legislation is reforming and by the end of 2017, every big rig truck will be required to have an electronic logbook directly connected to the trucks internal system. This way, it will be more difficult for truck drivers to circumvent regulations on driving time. However, this does not guarantee that truck drivers are rested and alert. Currently, there is no sure way to test if a driver was fatigued at the time of an accident, thus not many drivers are convicted for causing accidents due to lack of sleep. This is where Class 4B sees potential for a solution, and their research is contributing to deciding whether it is possible to create a device that can track sleep accurately. This device could potentially be used by commercial trucking companies to protect themselves from lawsuits and to ensure that their drivers are making responsible decisions. 4B will continue presenting research on Tuesday.